How can I use Nannycare in hospital?
Your questions answered
Parents planning their birth may be hoping to breastfeed in hospital but want a back up option, or there may be reasons why breastfeeding is not an option for you. After lots of requests, we’ve looked into how to use Nannycare in hospital. Our options may not be suitable in all local settings, and we advise all parents to talk to your midwife about your feeding options generally and your maternity unit about their individual policies so you can make an informed decision about what’s best for you and your baby during your stay in hospital.
We support breastfeeding as the best source of nutrition for your baby and the best health outcomes for you. Our information is not meant in any way to discourage you from breastfeeding.
What feeding options are available in maternity units and birthing centres?
Maternity units will encourage and support breastfeeding during your stay. Should you choose to use a formula product most units ask you to use pre-made formula. Sometimes called ‘ready to feed’ or ‘ready to serve,’ a pre-made formula is sterile and can be kept at room temperature, poured into a bottle and fed immediately. Powdered formula however has more steps to make up the feed and it is these required steps that cause issues in busy maternity units.
The principal reasons for maternity units asking you to use a pre-made formula are to avoid the need for, kettles for boiling water to ensure powdered infant formula is made safely using the manufacturer’s and World Health Organisation’s guidance. The health and safety risk of carrying boiling water and the requirement for PAT testing of equipment etc. are reasons why the feeding station that were previously available has been removed from most maternity units.
Please respect the policy in place. Bringing all your kitchen feeding equipment from home is not practical in a busy unit with space limitations.
So, what’s next?
Do Nannycare make a pre-made formula?
At the moment we do not offer a pre-made formula. We recognise the convenience this provides parents, however until we are happy that a pre-made formula can be made to Nannycare’s ethos, we will remain a powder only brand.
I want to use Nannycare in hospital what are my options?
Firstly, safety is the number one priority. Any option should not compromise the NHS, World Health Organisation and manufacturers’ guidelines to make bottle feeds safely. This includes the need to add water over 70 degrees centigrade to the powdered formula.
With that in mind…
With the permission of your unit, bottles can be made up in hospital using your own bottle prep travel equipment. It is unlikely you will be able to bring the same kitchen equipment that needs to be plugged in as equipment of this type will need to be PAT tested and space is limited. Think portable, travel equipment only (without a plug).
With these suggested travel products below and a little help from your partner or visitors, we suggest the following if you need to use Nannycare in hospital.
Your Packing List
Pre-measure approx. 6 feeds of your formula at home (we suggest 1 scoop to make a 30ml feed) in sterilised formula dispensers (arrange for your partner to bring more as you need them)
- A travel flask – no sterilising required but should be clean and only used for your baby (not required if using the Nuby Rapid Cool Feeding Kit)
- 6+ newborn bottles or pre-sterilised disposable bottles from the brand of your choice
- Optional – Nuby Rapid cool, Nuby Rapid Cool Feeding Kit or RapidCool Kit & Portable UV Steriliser Bundle
- Hand sanitiser – usually available in hospital
How to
After washing or sanitising your hands, make up a fresh feed only when your baby needs one by dispensing the formula into the sterilised bottle and using the water from the flask. The water must still be hot (above 70 degrees centigrade) when you use it, to destroy any bacteria that may be in the formula powder.
Remember to cool the bottle (with the lid on) by running under cold water before you feed it to your baby. Check the temperature before giving to your baby.
Formula made in this way must be used within two hours. Used bottles must be discarded or sterilised at home and returned by visitors. We’d recommend your partner or visitors refill your flask with boiling water from home and refill your formula dispensers.
Alternatives to cooling the bottle & sterilising at home
Sterilising and making a bottle away from home and cooling the bottle to feed to baby without running it under cold water has now been made easier with the Nuby Rapid Cool range.
There are different bundles you can choose from. In the basic one, the Rapid Cool flask will help you make a single bottle that is ready to serve in 2 minutes (note the flask will still need sterilising afterwards). In the full solution there are multiple flasks and a steriliser that you can charge in advance at home which then also enables sterilising away from home too.
The full range can be viewed here.
Checking with your Hospital
We recommend you check your preferred solution with your maternity unit beforehand, advising them of your desire to use a goat milk-based formula which is not available in pre-made formula. Also confirm you will not be bringing in bulky feeding equipment or anything that requires PAT testing.
Longer Hospital Stays
Depending on your birth you may be in hospital after your baby is born for a few hours or longer. As you can’t know for sure, please ensure your plan is flexible enough to cope with a stay that is longer than anticipated.
What if these options don’t work for me?
Your chosen formula however may still not be an option in your local hospital, and you face the option of using a pre-made formula and switching formula when you get home. Whilst this may not be your first choice, don’t worry, check with your healthcare professional and if they say it is OK to switch when you get home, check out our FAQ’s on switching formula below.
Note, if you've given birth in hospital or at a midwife unit and you and your baby are well, you'll probably be able to go home 6 to 24 hours after your baby is born. In that time your baby will feed irregularly as they need plenty of sleep to recover from the trauma of the birth. When they wake and demand a feed they may take very small amounts so you only need to make up 30-60ml each time. Talk to your midwife but it is not unusual to switch your baby to your preferred formula when you get home.
Still worried?
We are very proud of our formula and whilst we love that parents are passionate about using Nannycare, we never want a parent to be overly anxious about feeding in hospital. If you feel anxious about it, please discuss your concerns with your healthcare professional.
Here’s our FAQs about switching formula when you get home:
Do I need to stay on the same powdered formula brand as the pre-made brand I used in hospital?
No. All pre-made formulations are slightly different to powdered formula milk, even those from the same brand. Powdered formulas do not include some ingredients that pre-made formula has to ensure the milk can stay fresh without refrigeration. Consequently, all babies that use a pre-made milk in hospital and a powdered milk formula when they get home (even from the same brand) ‘switch’ formula.
Will my baby notice if I switch at home?
As many new parents leave hospital in 6-24 hours after birth, which may be just a few feeds, it is highly unlikely your baby will reject the taste of a powdered formula from the same or a different brand after such a short amount of time.
Is there a pre-made goat milk available?
No at present there is no goat milk based pre-made formula available in the UK. Your baby is unlikely to notice a difference between a cow’s milk and goat milk taste at this age.
I want to use a goat milk because I think my baby will be allergic or intolerant to cow’s milk
Goat milk formula is not suitable for cow’s milk protein allergy unless directed by a suitably qualified healthcare professional. If you are concerned about allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk from birth always discuss this in advance with your healthcare professional.
Consider Breastfeeding in Hospital
The decision to breastfeed, even for a few hours or through the first days when colostrum is produced, has advantages for parents and newborn babies as well as making feeding your baby in hospital very convenient and one less thing to worry about during your birth and stay in hospital.
I really want to use Nannycare in hospital, but it is causing me a lot of anxiety
We are very proud of our formula and whilst we love that parents are passionate about using Nannycare, we never want a parent to be overly anxious about feeding in hospital. If this question is making you feel anxious, please discuss your concerns with your healthcare professional.
It is very likely that your baby will be fine with whatever feeding option you choose, including switching to Nannycare when you return home.